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Parade: Coplay – October 17th

Report to East Hills: 5:30 pm

Parade Start Time: 7:00 pm

Division - 1 - lining up on 9th and Chestnut Street

Parade Finish Time (approximately): 9:00 pm

Parade Route: Chestnut Street between North 9th Street and Ruch Street Chestnut Street between North 9th Street and Ruch Street


Bus # 1 –  percussion/Low brass

Bus # 2 – Flute, Clarinet

Bus # 3 – Saxophone, Trumpet

Bus # 4 – Color Guard

Division: TBD

Reminders –

1.   Hair is pulled back with a ponytail holder.

2.   No nail polish, heavy perfume, lotion

3.   Only stud earrings. No other jewelry.

4.   Knee high black socks for band students (nothing written on them)

5.   You should arrive wearing your complete uniform.

6.   IMPORTANT – Please make sure to hem your band pants (using the snaps) before arriving on Saturday. You should snap all of the snaps as you fold it over. Please don’t just use one or two snaps and they will come undone.   Any damage to the pants (or any other uniform piece) is the responsibility of the families to replace.

7.   Clarinets – We will cut the finger tips off your gloves when we arrive to the parade. If they are already cut from previous years you are good.

8.   Picking up -  If you are picking up your child you must submit a release paper at least the day before. Do not ask the day of the parade or even worse at the end of the parade when we are trying to get everyone on the bus and back to school to take your child home without the paper. Bus forms are located at the bottom of this document and are available already printed outside my office. 

9.   Picking up part 2 – You must pick your child up immediately following our completion of the parade (not the end of the parade). We will wait 10 minutes for you to pick them up. At that point we will take them back to East Hills safely on this bus. It is not fair to hold up four buses of students and parents because someone thinks they are the exception to the guidelines.


 EH Game: Football Game – October 18th

Report to East Hills: 6:30 pm

Game Start Time: 7:00 pm ( this is probably too early. More likely 7:30 pm because of the game before us)

Game Finish Time (approximately): 9:00 pm

What to wear: Jeans or black athletic pants, sneakers,East hills polo, EH sweatshirt over or long sleeve shirt underneath.

Date: Nazareth -  Saturday October 21

Arrival Time: 11:45 am at East Hills

Parade Start Time: 1:00 pm

Parade Finish Time: 3:00 pm

Parade Start and End: Nazareth HS

Division: Division 4 

Parade route: The parade starts at Belvidere and Liberty streets and heads toward Main Street. The route runs through Center Square and heads east on Center Street, ending at Nazareth Area High School.


Parade: Bethlehem – Sunday October 29th  

Report to East Hills: 12:45 pm

Parade Start Time: 2:00 pm

Division - TBD

Parade Finish Time (approximately): 4:00 pm

Parade Route: Broad Street and down Main Street

Uniform checklist for each parade (does not include football game)


Band Front

  • White Boots

  • Jumper

  • Jacket 

  • Socks under boots

  • Shorts and t-shirt (v neck)/tank top under uniform (does not matter the color.



  • Black Dinkles 

  • Solid black knee high socks (no logo)

  • Black pants (hemmed with snaps ahead of time) - see video

  • Jacket

  • Hat (do not bring box to school)

  • Shorts and t-shirt/tank top under uniform (does not matter the color.


Bus Release Form  

Students who wish to make alternate return
transportation plans, following a parade or other
event, must submit a signed permission slip to
authorize East Hills to release them. The permission slip, below, must be given to Mrs. Davies at least 1 day prior to the event. One must be filled out for each event that they are not taking the bus home. Without note, students will return to the school by bus. Chaperones must account for each student before leaving an event. You have 10 minutes to pick up your child at the conclusion of our portion of the parade. After 10 minutes your child will be taken back to East Hills. 

My Child,______________________Grade________who plays__________________ will  be going home with me directly after the event on________________________________. I realize that I will need to meet my child at the bus directly after they are done performing at the event and sign out my child with the head chaperone of their bus. I also realize that my child will be responsible to take home his or her instrument and equipment.

________________________         ____________________      _________

Parent/Guardian Signature              Cell Phone Number                 Bus #

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