East Hills Band and Orchestra Association
The best way to find out information about the Band and Orchestra program is to
attend our meetings, which are at 7:30 pm in the band room at the dates listed
below. This is an opportunity to receive information about the Instrumental Music
Program and activities.
2023-2024 Officers
Position Name E-mail
Band Director Christy Davies cdavies@basdschools.org
Band Front Director Dora Simons bandfront4ehboa@gmail.com
Vice President/Fundraising Tammy Lyons tlyons@basdschools.org
Secretary Ashley Andreoli giftcardsehboa@gmail.com
Treasurer Christy Davies cdavies@basdschools.org
Student Accounts Joann Monelli studentaccts4ehboa@gmail.com
Hospitality Rebecca Jones rgjones630@gmail.com
Trip William Walczak wwalczak@basdschools.org
Uniforms Lori Walker ehboauniforms@gmail.com
School Store Sarah Campbell bandstand4ehboa@gmail.com
Webmaster Tara McNally webmaster4ehboa@gmail.com
Giant/WaWa sales Ashley Ad giftcardsehboa@gmail.com
E.H.B.O.A. Meetings
All meetings take place in the East Hill’s Band room at 7:30 pm except when noted.
Upcoming Meetings:
TBD - Spring Trip Chaperone Meeting at 7:00 pm
TBD– Mandatory Trip Meeting for Students and Parents (Online)
Please remember that this program is for your children and is only as strong as its volunteers.