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All instrumental students are required to take lessons (free of charge) unless they take private lessons outside of school. Please note: If you take private lessons and will not be taking school lessons you must fill out the electronic Private Lesson Form. You will also be required to have your private lesson teacher fill out a sheet each month. Lessons are scheduled on a rotating basis and attendance is mandatory. Lesson schedules are emailed to families weekly and a copy will be posted outside Mrs. Davies’ office for easy reference.  Students are to inform Mrs. Davies before a lesson if they are unable to make it.
Unexcused lessons may result in loss of Spring Trip and dismissal from the ensemble.


Please note: Make-up lessons are not offered before or after school. Only during school hours.

Schedule: Be sure to check the Lesson Groups document for your name.

Be prepared!  Always come prepared with your instrument, music, pencil, lesson book, and practice sheet, and be prepared to tune your instrument.

Home Practice

Music ability does not improve with just morning rehearsal and lesson
time. If a student wants to excel with their instrument, daily practice needs to be done at home. Students are encouraged to practice 20 to 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days every week. This will improve technical skills and will help create the best East Hills ensemble.


Any student who takes music lessons in school, will be required to fill out a practice Goal sheet and have it signed by their parents. This sheet will be given to student during their lesson.

Performing Groups – Students are encouraged to participate in as many instrumental ensembles as they are able to comfortably fit into their schedules. In order to be eligible to play in Jazz Band and Orchestra (besides strings) you MUST be in Marching Band.

Band Front: Anyone in grades 6,7, and 8 is eligible to become a member of the Silks, Majorettes or Color Guard. Sign ups and tryouts are held each spring.

Marching Band /Concert Band: Anyone in grades 6,7, and 8 with at least one year of playing experience is eligible to be in Band. Percussionists are accepted on an audition basis and may opt to play another instrument if they are not accepted as a percussionist.

Orchestra: Anyone who is in grades 6,7, and 8 and plays a string instrument is eligible to be in Orchestra.Woodwind, Brass and Percussion players are by audition. Please see Mrs. Davies if interested.

Jazz Band: Membership is based on auditions in the spring. As with any other ensemble, students must attend all scheduled performances. Missing one performance is grounds for dismissal from ensemble.

Pep Band: This group is open to all Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion players in the Orchestra and Jazz Band.This group performs for all pep rallies during the school year.

Ensembles: The Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, and String ensembles will be selected by invitation. These groups will practice once a week during a scheduled lesson time. They will perform at Barnes and Noble Night as well as concerts throughout the year.

Chair Auditions

1. Chair auditions will have an online signup for during the school day.
2. The following are requirements for auditions:

• C scale, F scale, B Flat scale on quarter notes
• Two marching pieces.
• Instead of scales you will play the cadence.
• C Scale, D Scale, G Scale
• One piece from Orchestra folder

3. Challenges may only be done in the spring after our Winter Break. Students must arrange for a time to meet for Challenge. Students may only challenge one chair at a time and may only challenge that student two (2) times. Challenges are to be taken seriously and should be prepared with additional practice.

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